What is Cupping?

Cupping therapy is one of the oldest methods of complementary medicine known to many nations dating as far back as 400 BC in ancient Greece. It has been documented that the ancient Egyptians used cupping for healing in 1550BC and evidence has been found to show cupping being used in ancient China as far back as 1000BC. It is a well known and popular form of traditional Chinese medicine to date.

Cupping is a Sunnah practice, used by and highly recommended in Islam by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as a cure to all diseases. There have been numerous medical studies undertaken across the globe looking at the benefits of cupping in the treatment of various ailments and diseases.

The procedure itself involves mild suction created on the skin using special cups placed on specific points on the body. This mobilises blood flow to promote healing, remove stagnant congested blood and lymph and improves circulation. The suction moves the blood toxins to the surface of the skin, allowing the body to remove it and replace it with fresh, nutrient rich blood to replenish the body.This process is used to treat a great number of medical illnesses as well as promoting general physical and psychological well-being.

There are 3 main types of cupping- Dry Cupping, Wet Cupping/Hijama and Massage Cupping.


This is the process of using mild suction on different areas of the body in order to gather the blood products to the surface of the skin. This improves circulation of blood and lymph and allows the body’s natural immune system to remove these stagnant/old toxins. The cups are left on for 10-15mins.


This practice of Hijama (Arabic for ‘sucking’) involves local suction using the cups on the selected areas of the body. After a few minutes the cup is then removed and small scratches are made on the skin using a sterile cupping scalpel. A second suction is used to carefully draw out a small quantity of blood to remove toxins. This is done in a strictly hygienic way. The skin is then soothed using oil. We use 100% pure Black Seed oil, known for its healing properties. Wet cupping is the most frequently used, oldest and most effective method of cupping.


This relaxing therapy involves oil applied to the skin. Gentle suction is placed on the body and the cup is massaged over the body along its Meridian lines. This therapy provides deep tissue stimulation, improves circulation, mobilise lymphatic congestion and eases muscular tension in a more effective way than conventional massage techniques.